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Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Deux

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:25 pm
by ti-amie

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Deux

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:42 am
by ponchi101
This will be delayed after Nov 2024.

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Deux

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 2:32 am
by patrick
That is what the Delay Master is aiming for along with DeSanitis wanting to delay Disney date until after Nov 2024

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Deux

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:42 pm
by ti-amie
If anything comes out of Atlanta next week the thread title will be changed to Part Trois/Three

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Deux

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 8:50 pm
by ti-amie
It was amusing in a macabre kind of way to watch MSM, based on absolutely nothing from Smith, Willis, or anyone else, work itself into a frenzy because someone, somewhere, said TFG's indictment would come down today.

CNN wasn't the only network doing this.

Needless to say it hasn't but I've noticed sometimes these things come down late at night. Still.

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Deux

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 1:29 am
by ti-amie
Uh, ish happened.

Teri Kanefield
Well goodness.

I leave for the afternoon and come back to find more counts filed in a superseding indictment against Trump and Carlos de Oliveira.

Here is the old indictment: ... 3/full.pdf

And the new one: ... ments-case

To find out what was added, we need to scroll through and compare.

Put on your nerd glasses and open the documents. 🤓

Ok. Paragraph 10 is new.

We learn Oliveira, beginning in January 2022, was employed as the property manager at Mar-a-Lago.


Before that he was a valet. I wonder what brought him that promotion?


Well, that was right after Trump returned 15 boxes of documents and evidently decided not to return all of the documents.

Okay, scrolling through for something new.

Paragraph 73 changed:

Initially it read:

"Nauta and others loaded several of Trump's boxes along with other items on aircraft that flew Trump and his family north for the summer."

Now it reads

"Earlier that same day Nauta, De Oliveira, and others loaded several . . . "

Okay so we just added de Oliveira.

There are, however, others.

Memo to others: You might be in big trouble. Get yourself a good defense lawyer. You're welcome.

Ah ha. Now we come to the new stuff.

I will not be able to type it out, and I don't have a searchable cut and pasteable version, so I will have to just do screenshots for now.

If someone has the full text, great.


Okay, so starting on paragraph 73, we have a new section called:

"An Attempt to Delete Security Footage."

This does not sound good.

The timeline here begins on June 3, which was when FBI agents were at Mar a Lago to collect the documents. They o observed surveillance cameras.

On June 22, the DOJ emailed a draft grand jury subpoena requiring production from the security camera where the Storage room was located.


June 24: The DOJ emailed the subpoena.

That same day, Trump Attorney I spoke with Trump by phone about the security footage.

3:44 pm. Nauta received a text message from a coworker indicating that Trump wanted to see Nauta.

Less than 2 hours later, Nauta changed his travel plans and instead of traveling with Trump to Illinois, went to Palm Beach, FL.

Nauta provided inconsistent explanations to colleagues for his sudden travel plans.

Da dum da dum and the plot thickens . . .



He told one person he had a family emergency. He told secret service that he was in Florida working. (Having trouble keeping track of stories).

About the time Nauta was making travel plans to go to Florida, Nauta and de Oliveira contacted Trump Employee 4 (IT director).

First they wanted to find out if he was around and working.

Nauta then asked de oliveira if he was still working. He said he just left. They talked on the phone for 2 minutes.


Okay so basically Nauta arrives in Florida. De Oliveira told a valet that Nauta was coming but they wanted the visit a secret.

Love it. So they told the valet it's a secret. That should make it all safe, right? What dumb crooks.

then De Oliveira told Employee 5 that Nauta wanted De Oliveira to ask Employee 4 how long the video footage was stored.

There. Nothing like keeping what they are doing a secret.

At 5:46, Nauta and De Oliveira went to the security guard booth . . .


. . . where survillance video was displayed on monitors and walked with a flashlight through the tunnel where the storage room was located.

They observed and pointed out surveillance cameras.

On Monday, De Oliveira walked to the IT office where Employee 4 was working with another IT person.

De Oliveira wanted to talk to Employee 4, so they stepped away.

They had a private exchange in an audio closet.

De Oliveira tells him this conversation needs to remain private.



Then he wants to know how long the server retained footage. Employee 4 says 45 days.

Then, OMG De Oliveira tells Employee 4 that "the boss" wanted the server deleted.


Let's just tell everyone the secret.

You see in real life crooks are not clever like spy thrillers and murder mysteries.

Employee 4 says: I don't really know how and I don't think I have the right to do that.

I'd guess this is feeling creepy to Employee 4.


There he is, in an audio closet, being told the boss wants the server deleted.

Then De Oliveira "insisted" that the boss wanted the server deleted and asked, "What are we going to do?"

We don't find out what Employee 4 said.

Some more talking some more walking . . .

Well dang. The story ends there.

I'd guess they didn't actually delete anything. De Oliveira doesn't know how. Employee 4 is too smart.

Then we find out that Trump and De Oliveira talked for 3.5 minutes.



I am reading, typing, thinking, trying to spell correctly and trying to keep the story straight all at the same time.

Are you all with me?

The next new stuff is paragraph 91 where they talk like mobsters about being loyal to the boss.

You have to read it for yourselves. see screen shot.

now, for the added counts: Looks like added a count of willful retention, De Oliveira is added to the conspiracy.


Conspiracy to obstruct adds this:

"Attempting to delete security camera footage from the Mar-a-Lago Club to conceal the footage form the FBI and grand jury."

And I'm stopping there.

I need a break. Will be back later.

(I'll be honest. Reading legal documents isn't usually quite this fun. I mean it's always fun of course, but this is particularly fun.)


Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Deux

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 2:43 am
by ti-amie
Ms Kanefield continues

Apparently De Oliveira is the employee who allegedly drained the pool at Mar a Lago and flooded the room that housed computer servers with the surveillance video logs

Now I AM taking a dinner break !!!

Teri Kanefield
Okay time for a story.

I was called to the FBI office to see some evidence against my client. Evidently my client tried to wipe his server clean. The FBI guy (obviously a computer geek) took great delight in showing me exactly how it looks when someone repeatedly tries to wipe a server clean.

He had a PhD. I sat there listening thinking, "If only people knew how smart these guys were."

My client thought he HAD wiped the disk clean.


But the computer whiz FBI person was able to get it all back, I don't know how, even though he explained it.

Then he showed me all the evidence he retrieved from the not-very-well-wiped disk.

It was not a good moment.

(Deleted stuff I added to the other thread)


Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Deux

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 3:52 pm
by ponchi101
You need a professional disk cleaner to really wipe the data. Or, do a true format which will not be a QUICK format (that only marks the sectors as available, not as truly erased).
And I wonder if anybody in the Tiny organization can do that.
What idiots.

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Trois/Part three

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:45 pm
by ti-amie
Dr. Jack Brown :verified:
BREAKING: The Donald Trump case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan.

Judge Chutkan is an Obama appointee. She's the only Federal judge in D.C. who's sentenced January 6th defendants to sentences *longer* than the government had requested.

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Trois/Part three

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:47 pm
by ti-amie

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Trois/Part three

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:52 pm
by ti-amie

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Trois/Part three

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:54 pm
by ti-amie

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Trois/Part three

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:00 pm
by ti-amie
She was obviously typing way too fast

Noteworthy #TrumpIndictment passage. After being told any fraud (if any such existed) was. It outcome-determinative and that if he still tried to stay in office there would be “riots in every major city in the United States, co-conspirator 4 responded, “that's why there's an Insurrection Act."


Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Trois/Part three

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:03 pm
by ti-amie
Joshua Holland
These indictments are absolutely not ‘boosting #Trump in the polls,’ as every media outlet has chosen to put it. His numbers have improved among likely GOP primary voters, a small subset of the voting population, as DeSantis combusts.

Really misleading reporting and it’s just ubiquitous. #media

Re: Tiny is Indicted Part Trois/Part three

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:33 am
by Owendonovan
There's a tipping point, even with him. It's neaaring and when he goes down, all his sycophant politicians will follow. I believe a collective awakening of some sort is imminent.