by ponchi101 Sorry for the delay, and a little bit of a repeat, but:
CONGRATS TO IRENA2. She correctly picked the wooden spoon for the ATP side of the contest and, after a lot of us posted some non-impressive scores for the contest, she posted a rather hefty 60 points to finish first.
Khothem1 came in second, also having correctly picked the Spoon for the ATP (although not as his/her first pick).

Well done, irena! Best of luck at the Aussie, where you could tie Motobass with 3 spoons each (a nice dining set) ;)

by Omegadoom Congrats to Irena2! I find that this one of the hardest TAT contests to win, so doing it more than once is quite impressive! Very well played!

Thanks to Ponchi for running this contest!