The WTA will be taking us on The Hard Road to NY. Get ready for this contest.
We will be PLAYING FOR GOLD during the Olympics. Get ready for this medal awarding contest by reading the intro and how it works. And, by popular demand, we have revised the events' line up. Check it out.

Membership requirements and registration

Please read this as you join our forum
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ponchi101 Venezuela
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Membership requirements and registration


Post by ponchi101 » (TAT2.0) is open to anyone and everyone, and has only two membership requirements:

1. You must register to post in the forum. Registration is absolutely free of charge and is done after authorization by the Administration staff. This approval is done solely to ensure that no spambots can access the site. Being a registered member helps us to maintain security and allows us to moderate our website.

2. All posts on the forum and on publicly accessible areas of the website must be in english. Discussions must be open to all members, and all members are able to communicate in english.

Due to spambot attacks, registrations must be done following the anti-spam procedures.

If you were a well known member of the original (TAT1.0) you will be included in the REGISTERED USER group. If not, you will be included in the NEWLY REGISTERED USER group, which has certain limitations (number of posts needed before becoming a fully registered user).
The site has an automated pruning system set up. Members that have not visited the site for over a year will be deleted. However, you will not be deleted upon request; if you do not wish to partake with the forum, you can certainly stop posting/visiting but, in order to not have gaps in conversations and topics, anything that has been posted by you will remain in place.

We do not accept registrations from websites, commercial enterprises or entities with obvious commercial interests and goals.
Ego figere omnia et scio supellectilem

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